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See the three steps that outline how it works.", "pageFloodLightURL": "" }, { "pageName": "AboutCIC", "parentPage": "", "pageURL": "/cic", "pageView": "1.0.AboutCIC", "pageSubview": "", "pageSubviewOrder": 0, "navOrder": 2, "menuLabel": "About CIC", "pageController": "StaticPage", "pageAction": "StaticPage", "pageTitle": "About Chronic Idiopathic Constipation (CIC) | Motegrity® (prucalopride)", "pageDescription": "Learn about CIC, what it is, symptoms, possible risk factors, ways to better manage your symptoms, and when it may be time to talk to your doctor. Do not take if allergic to Motegrity, or have specific bowel problems. See PI. 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See PI.", "pageFloodLightURL": "" }, { "pageName": "ManagingCIC", "parentPage": "", "pageURL": "/cic#managing-cic", "pageView": "1.0.AboutCIC", "pageSubview": "1.2.ManagingCIC", "pageSubviewOrder": 2, "navOrder": 0, "menuLabel": "Managing CIC", "pageController": "StaticPage", "pageAction": "StaticPage", "pageTitle": "About Chronic Idiopathic Constipation (CIC) | Motegrity® (prucalopride)", "pageDescription": "Learn about CIC, what it is, symptoms, possible risk factors, ways to better manage your symptoms, and when it may be time to talk to your doctor. Do not take if allergic to Motegrity, or have specific bowel problems. See PI.", "pageFloodLightURL": "" }, { "pageName": "AlreadyTakingMotegrity", "parentPage": "AlreadyTakingMotegrity", "pageURL": "/already-taking-motegrity", "pageView": "AlreadyTakingMotegrity", "pageSubview": "", "pageSubviewOrder": 0, "navOrder": 0, "menuLabel": "", "pageController": "StaticPage", "pageAction": "StaticPage", "pageTitle": "Thank you for letting us know!", "pageDescription": "", "pageFloodLightURL": "" }, { "pageName": "HowItWorks", "parentPage": "", "pageURL": "/how-it-works", "pageView": "2.0.HowItWorks", "pageSubview": "", "pageSubviewOrder": 0, "navOrder": 3, "menuLabel": "How It Works", "pageController": "StaticPage", "pageAction": "StaticPage", "pageTitle": "How Motegrity® (prucalopride) Works", "pageDescription": "Motegrity is the only prescription medicine of its kind for adults with Chronic Idiopathic Constipation (CIC). Click to learn more about how it moves your colon muscle. Do not take if allergic to Motegrity, or have specific bowel problems. See Important Safety Information.", "pageFloodLightURL": "" }, { "pageName": "WhyColonMuscle", "parentPage": "", "pageURL": "/how-it-works#colon-movement-bowel", "pageView": "2.0.HowItWorks", "pageSubview": "2.1.WhyColonMuscle", "pageSubviewOrder": 1, "navOrder": 0, "menuLabel": "Why My Colon Muscle?", "pageController": "StaticPage", "pageAction": "StaticPage", "pageTitle": "How Motegrity® (prucalopride) Works", "pageDescription": "Learn about Motegrity for adults with Chronic Idiopathic Constipation (CIC), how it works, and how it helps move the colon muscle. Do not take if allergic to Motegrity, or have specific bowel problems. See PI. 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", "pageFloodLightURL": "" }, { "pageName": "WhatToExpect", "parentPage": "", "pageURL": "/what-to-expect", "pageView": "3.0.WhatToExpect", "pageSubview": "", "pageSubviewOrder": 0, "navOrder": 4, "menuLabel": "What to Expect", "pageController": "StaticPage", "pageAction": "StaticPage", "pageTitle": "What to Expect While Taking Motegrity® (prucalopride)", "pageDescription": "Find out what to expect with Motegrity, including possible side effects, and dosing. Do not take if allergic to Motegrity, or have specific bowel problems. See Important Safety Information.", "pageFloodLightURL": "" }, { "pageName": "SymptomImprovement", "parentPage": "WhatToExpect", "pageURL": "/what-to-expect/cic-relief", "pageView": "3.0.WhatToExpect", "pageSubview": "3.1.SymptomImprovement", "pageSubviewOrder": 1, "navOrder": 0, "menuLabel": "CIC Relief", "pageController": "StaticPage", "pageAction": "StaticPage", "pageTitle": "Relief of Chronic Idiopathic Constipation (CIC) | Motegrity® (prucalopride)", "pageDescription": "Learn about the efficacy of Motegrity in six clinical trials with 2,484 people living with Chronic Idiopathic Constipation. Do not take if allergic to Motegrity, or have specific bowel problems. See PI.", "pageFloodLightURL": "" }, { "pageName": "SideEffects", "parentPage": "WhatToExpect", "pageURL": "/what-to-expect/side-effects", "pageView": "3.0.WhatToExpect", "pageSubview": "3.2.SideEffects", "pageSubviewOrder": 2, "navOrder": 0, "menuLabel": "Possible Side Effects", "pageController": "StaticPage", "pageAction": "StaticPage", "pageTitle": "Possible Side Effects of Motegrity® (prucalopride)", "pageDescription": "Learn about the possible side effects of Motegrity, an FDA-approved prescription medicine for adults with Chronic Idiopathic Constipation. Do not take if allergic to Motegrity, or have specific bowel problems. See PI.", "pageFloodLightURL": "" }, { "pageName": "DailyDosing", "parentPage": "WhatToExpect", "pageURL": "/what-to-expect/daily-dosing", "pageView": "3.0.WhatToExpect", "pageSubview": "3.3.DailyDosing", "pageSubviewOrder": 3, "navOrder": 0, "menuLabel": "Once-Daily Dosing", "pageController": "StaticPage", "pageAction": "StaticPage", "pageTitle": "Motegrity® (prucalopride) Daily Dosing", "pageDescription": "View information about how and when to take Motegrity, including storage and dosing information. Consult your doctor for specific usage instructions. Do not take if allergic to Motegrity, or have specific bowel problems. See PI.", "pageFloodLightURL": "" }, { "pageName": "FAQ", "parentPage": "WhatToExpect", "pageURL": "/what-to-expect/frequently-asked-questions", "pageView": "3.0.WhatToExpect", "pageSubview": "3.4.FAQ", "pageSubviewOrder": 4, "navOrder": 0, "menuLabel": "FAQ", "pageController": "StaticPage", "pageAction": "StaticPage", "pageTitle": "Frequently Asked Questions | Motegrity® (prucalopride)", "pageDescription": "See frequently asked questions about Motegrity, including how it works, what to expect, and where to find information on savings and support. Do not take if allergic to Motegrity, or have specific bowel problems. See PI.", "pageFloodLightURL": "" }, { "pageName": "GettingStarted", "parentPage": "", "pageURL": "/getting-started", "pageView": "4.0.GettingStarted", "pageSubview": "", "pageSubviewOrder": 0, "navOrder": 5, "menuLabel": "Getting Started", "pageController": "StaticPage", "pageAction": "StaticPage", "pageTitle": "Getting Started with Motegrity® (prucalopride)", "pageDescription": "If you're interested in asking your doctor about Motegrity, get started with the provided steps. Do not take if allergic to Motegrity, or have specific bowel problems. See Important Safety Information. ", "pageFloodLightURL": "" }, { "pageName": "ReadyToGo", "parentPage": "GettingStarted", "pageURL": "/getting-started/appointment-preparation", "pageView": "4.0.GettingStarted", "pageSubview": "4.1.ReadyToGo", "pageSubviewOrder": 1, "navOrder": 0, "menuLabel": "Ready to Go", "pageController": "StaticPage", "pageAction": "StaticPage", "pageTitle": "Ready to Ask About Motegrity® (prucalopride)?", "pageDescription": "See five important steps that you can follow when asking your doctor about Motegrity, from noting your symptoms to signing up for possible savings. Do not take if allergic to Motegrity, or have specific bowel problems. See PI.\n", "pageFloodLightURL": "" }, { "pageName": "talkingtoyourdoctor", "parentPage": "GettingStarted", "pageURL": "/getting-started/talking-to-your-doctor", "pageView": "4.0.GettingStarted", "pageSubview": "4.2.TalkingToYourDoctor", "pageSubviewOrder": 3, "navOrder": 0, "menuLabel": "Talking to Your Doctor", "pageController": "Static Page", "pageAction": "Static Page", "pageTitle": "Talking to Your Doctor about CIC | Motegrity® (prucalopride)", "pageDescription": "Use an interactive discussion guide to help you speak to your doctor about Chronic Idiopathic Constipation and how it affects your life. Do not take if allergic to Motegrity, or have specific bowel problems. See PI.", "pageFloodLightURL": "" }, { "pageName": "PatientStories", "parentPage": "PatientStories", "pageURL": "/patient-stories", "pageView": "5.0.PatientStories", "pageSubview": "", "pageSubviewOrder": 0, "navOrder": 5, "menuLabel": "Patient Stories", "pageController": "StaticPage", "pageAction": "StaticPage", "pageTitle": "Motegrity® (prucalopride) Patient Stories and Videos", "pageDescription": "Hear firsthand stories from real patients with Chronic Idiopathic Constipation (CIC) about their journeys with Motegrity in a set of videos. Do not take if allergic to Motegrity, or have specific bowel problems. See Important Safety Information.", "pageFloodLightURL": "" }, { "pageName": "PatientVideos", "parentPage": "PatientStories", "pageURL": "/patient-stories#videos", "pageView": "5.0.PatientStories", "pageSubview": "5.1.PatientVideos", "pageSubviewOrder": 1, "navOrder": 0, "menuLabel": "", "pageController": "StaticPage", "pageAction": "StaticPage", "pageTitle": "Patient Stories and Videos | Motegrity® (prucalopride)", "pageDescription": "Hear firsthand stories from real patients with CIC about their journeys with Motegrity. Do not take if allergic to Motegrity, or have specific bowel problems. See PI.", "pageFloodLightURL": "" }, { "pageName": "CompletingtheBlanks", "parentPage": "PatientStories", "pageURL": "/patient-stories#completing-the-blanks", "pageView": "5.0.PatientStories", "pageSubview": "5.2.CompletingtheBlanks", "pageSubviewOrder": 2, "navOrder": 0, "menuLabel": "", "pageController": "StaticPage", "pageAction": "StaticPage", "pageTitle": "Patient Stories and Videos | Motegrity® (prucalopride)", "pageDescription": "Hear firsthand stories from real patients with CIC about their journeys with Motegrity. Do not take if allergic to Motegrity, or have specific bowel problems. See PI.", "pageFloodLightURL": "" }, { "pageName": "SavingsSupport", "parentPage": "", "pageURL": "/savings-support", "pageView": "5.0.SavingsSupport", "pageSubview": "", "pageSubviewOrder": 0, "navOrder": 6, "menuLabel": "Savings Support", "pageController": "StaticPage", "pageAction": "StaticPage", "pageTitle": "Savings Card and Support Information | Motegrity® (prucalopride)", "pageDescription": "Find support and savings information, including the Motegrity savings card and newsletter updates. Do not take if allergic to Motegrity, or have specific bowel problems. See PI.", "pageFloodLightURL": "" }, { "pageName": "savingsCard", "parentPage": "savingsCard", "pageURL": "/savings-card", "pageView": "SavingsCard", "pageSubview": "", "pageSubviewOrder": 0, "navOrder": 7, "menuLabel": "Get Savings", "pageController": "StaticPage", "pageAction": "SavingsCard", "pageTitle": "Savings Card for Motegrity® (prucalopride)", "pageDescription": "Sign up and activate your Motegrity Savings Card for a chance to save on your prescription fills. Do not take if allergic to Motegrity, or have specific bowel problems. See PI.", "pageFloodLightURL": "" }, { "pageName": "savingsSupportThankyou", "parentPage": "savingsCard", "pageURL": "/savings-support-thank-you", "pageView": "SavingsCard", "pageSubview": "", "pageSubviewOrder": 0, "navOrder": 0, "menuLabel": "", "pageController": "StaticPage", "pageAction": "SavingsCard", "pageTitle": "Thank You For Signing Up For Savings and Support", "pageDescription": "", "pageFloodLightURL": "" }, { "pageName": "Unsubscribe", "parentPage": "", "pageURL": "/unsubscribe", "pageView": "Unsubscribe", "pageSubview": "", "pageSubviewOrder": 0, "navOrder": 0, "menuLabel": "", "pageController": "StaticPage", "pageAction": "Unsubscribe", "pageTitle": "Unsubscribe | Motegrity® (prucalopride)", "pageDescription": "Please complete this form to unsubscribe from future Motegrity communications. Do not take if allergic to Motegrity, or have specific bowel problems. See PI.", "pageFloodLightURL": "" }, { "pageName": "UnsubscribeRefillReminders", "parentPage": "", "pageURL": "/unsubscribe-refill-reminders", "pageView": "UnsubscribeRefillReminders", "pageSubview": "", "pageSubviewOrder": 0, "navOrder": 0, "menuLabel": "", "pageController": "StaticPage", "pageAction": "UnsubscribeRefillReminders", "pageTitle": "You have successfully unsubscribed from refill reminders!", "pageDescription": "", "pageFloodLightURL": "" }, { "pageName": "error", "parentPage": "", "pageURL": "/errors", "pageView": "Error", "pageSubview": "", "pageSubviewOrder": 0, "navOrder": 0, "menuLabel": "", "pageController": "StaticPage", "pageAction": "Http404", "pageTitle": "Sorry, this page is unavailable | Motegrity® (prucalopride)", "pageDescription": "", "pageFloodLightURL": "" }, { "pageName": "RegisterNow", "parentPage": "", "pageURL": "/register-now", "pageView": "RegisterNow", "pageSubview": "", "pageSubviewOrder": 0, "navOrder": 0, "menuLabel": "", "pageController": "StaticPage", "pageAction": "StaticPage", "pageTitle": "Savings Card and Support Registration | Motegrity® (prucalopride)", "pageDescription": "Register now for a Motegrity savings card and/or additional support through updates and newsletters. Do not take if allergic to Motegrity, or have specific bowel problems. See PI.", "pageFloodLightURL": "" }, { "pageName": "ActivateNow", "parentPage": "", "pageURL": "/activate-now", "pageView": "ActivateNow", "pageSubview": "", "pageSubviewOrder": 0, "navOrder": 0, "menuLabel": "", "pageController": "StaticPage", "pageAction": "StaticPage", "pageTitle": "Activate Your Savings Card | Motegrity® (prucalopride)", "pageDescription": "Already have a Motegrity savings card? Activate it by filling out this form. Do not take if allergic to Motegrity, or have specific bowel problems. See PI.", "pageFloodLightURL": "" } ]


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Please expand for Indication and Important Safety Information.

Do not take Motegrity if you:

  • are allergic to Motegrity. Allergic reaction symptoms may include trouble breathing, rash, itching and swelling of your face, lips, tongue or throat.
  • have a tear in your stomach or intestinal wall (bowel perforation), a bowel blockage (intestinal obstruction) or serious conditions of the intestinal wall such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis.

Before taking Motegrity, tell your healthcare provider (HCP) about all of your medical conditions, including if you:

  • have or have had depression, suicidal thoughts or actions, or mood problems.
  • have kidney problems. Your HCP may give you a lower dose of Motegrity.
  • are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. It is not known if Motegrity will harm your unborn baby.
  • are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. Prucalopride can pass into your breastmilk. Talk with your HCP about the best way to feed your baby if you take Motegrity.

Tell your HCP about all the medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements.

What are the possible side effects of Motegrity?
Motegrity may cause serious side effects, including:

  • unusual changes in mood or behavior, thoughts of hurting yourself, trying to hurt yourself, or suicide. Stop taking Motegrity right away and tell your HCP immediately if your depression gets worse, you feel sad, hopeless or begin to have thoughts of suicide, thoughts of hurting yourself or you have tried to hurt yourself or if you develop new depression.
The most common side effects of Motegrity include:
  • headache
  • stomach area (abdominal) pain or bloating
  • nausea
  • diarrhea
  • dizziness
  • vomiting
  • gas
  • fatigue

These are not all the possible side effects of Motegrity. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects.

You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. 
Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch or call 1-800-FDA-1088.


Motegrity is a prescription medicine used in adults to treat a type of constipation called chronic idiopathic constipation (CIC). Idiopathic means the cause of the constipation is unknown. It is not known if Motegrity is safe and effective in children.

Please click here for full Prescribing Information and Patient Information.